miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014

Contexto profesional

I started teaching English in a nursery school for 3 years. I was the coordinator and I could see how my little babies where becoming bilingual.
It was a great experience but I had to find my space in a school where I could teach more things, so I took the capacity exam and I am a bilingual teacher. Last year I was teaching Science, Arts & crafts in 3rd of Primary and English in Infantil.
This year I teach English in infantil and all the English subjects in 1st grade. My school is bilingual up to 4th grade. They have 10 hours of English per week, divided into different subjects: English, P. E., Science, Arts, Drama. We have an English assistant who helps us and our students with the pronunciation and conversation activities.
I think the level of interaction in my school is micro or medium because we as teachers speak all the time in English. I have noticed a great change in my students who try to speak English to be understood.
I want to learn more about clil.I did a course but I think I can learn a lot with other teachers in the same situation.


Are you ready to know a little bit about me?

I have used voki to tell you...

Have a look!


Welcome everybody to my blog! :)

First of all I would like to say that this is a blog where I am going to post everything related to clil methodology or in Spanish: AICLE.

I like sharing the information with other teachers who want to improve their way of teaching according to the new technologies and the XXI century.